Drones in Agriculture

Few years ago, drone was taken as a gadget for the tech lovers – nobody could foresee its implications on other fields. Evolution of the drone technology is phenomenal which have far-reaching impacts on every other field. Drones are transforming our lives through bringing innovation into almost every field.

Agricultural industry have accepted the drone’s technology with open arms, as drones are being used in agriculture extensively. Hi-tech drones have developed mechanisms, which help farmers in increasing efficiency of different aspects of process of farming.

Uses of the Drone for Agricultural Industry

Following are the main uses of the drone for the agricultural industry:

Field and Soil Analysis

Drone technology can analyze the quality of the soil very effectively at the beginning, middle and end cycle of a crop. With the 3D maps of the soil, you will be able to obtain useful information regarding soil quality, soil nutrient management and dead zones of soil.

Seed Planting

There are some companies that are experimenting with drone seed planting. Companies are intending to develop custom systems in which seeds would be shot by drones in a prepared soil. If the experiments are successful, modern farming will become more efficient.

The drone seed planting will save labor costs and planting times most effectively.

Spot Spraying and Crop Spraying

In order to ensure high yields, consistent fertilisation and spraying is required. Traditionally, this was accomplished with vehicles or airplanes. Both methods were costly. Done spraying offers farmers a great relief.

Crop Surveying and Mapping

The biggest advantage of drone technology has been monitoring of the vast agricultural fields. Previously, satellite images were obtained to get a full view of the farm, which was really expensive and burdensome. Drones technology provide farmers with high quality pictures and videos of the farm right away. So, drone technology has brought comfort and ease for the farmers.

Irrigation Monitoring and Management

Miles and miles of irrigation can be very troublesome to monitor. Drones, equipped with thermal cameras, can help in monitoring which areas have least or excessive moisture, thus resolving these irrigations issues.

Monitoring of Livestock in Real-Time

Drones, which are equipped with thermal imaging cameras, can be operated by single pilot who can most effectively monitor and manage livestock with greater efficiency and less staff involvement.

In United Kingdom

Some United Kingdom farmers use drones and what they have to report is:

Our aim is to help farmers as much as possible to grow their businesses, create new products and grow their business, and to help them in their endeavour to become success. We believe that our farming approach minimises our environmental impact, gives farmers the ability to earn income from their land, and to provide the best possible environment for their own families and livestock. In 2015, the Green Belt in the UK was declared as a green belt.

Our Conclusion is that this is how, drone technology is transforming the traditional methods of the farming.