There are several random items lying about the room, an old school joystick connected to a retro tv set, a pair of high heels, a bottle containing a whitish fluid labeled drink me sits atop the coffee

This art is titled there are several random items lying about the room, an old school joystick connected to a retro tv set, a pair of high heels, a bottle containing a whitish fluid labeled drink me sits atop the coffee and it was created by the user zombiefx that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named there are several random items lying about the room, an old school joystick connected to a retro tv set, a pair of high heels, a bottle containing a whitish fluid labeled drink me sits atop the coffee at Wed Nov 30 2022
And the art there are several random items lying about the room, an old school joystick connected to a retro tv set, a pair of high heels, a bottle containing a whitish fluid labeled drink me sits atop the coffee has this preview:
there are several random items lying about the room, an old school joystick connected to a retro tv set, a pair of high heels, a bottle containing a whitish fluid labeled drink me sits atop the coffee preview

table. The room appears cluttered with various objects scattered haphazardly, contributing to an atmosphere of disarray. On one side, a retro TV set is accompanied by a vintage joystick, hinting at a nostalgic gaming setup from a bygone era. In contrast, a pair of elegant high heels stands incongruously nearby, adding a touch of femininity to the chaotic surroundings. All of this chaos is further intensified by the presence of a small bottle labeled "drink me," containing a mysterious whitish fluid atop the cluttered coffee table, leaving an air of curiosity and intrigue.

The user zombiefx aka has uploaded 1 and if you enjoy the there are several random items lying about the room, an old school joystick connected to a retro tv set, a pair of high heels, a bottle containing a whitish fluid labeled drink me sits atop the coffee feel free to check out all the art of zombiefx in the gallery, click the button bellow:
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Upload date Wed Nov 30 2022, art there are several random items lying about the room, an old school joystick connected to a retro tv set, a pair of high heels, a bottle containing a whitish fluid labeled drink me sits atop the coffee, by user , also known by the user name zombiefx