Rococo maximalist dog portrait terrified expression botanical anatomy, skeletal with extra flesh, hd mixed media, 3d collage, highly detailed intricate, surreal illustration dark art, by jenny saville

This art is titled rococo maximalist dog portrait terrified expression botanical anatomy, skeletal with extra flesh, hd mixed media, 3d collage, highly detailed intricate, surreal illustration dark art, by jenny saville and it was created by the user zombiefx that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named rococo maximalist dog portrait terrified expression botanical anatomy, skeletal with extra flesh, hd mixed media, 3d collage, highly detailed intricate, surreal illustration dark art, by jenny saville at Wed Nov 30 2022
And the art rococo maximalist dog portrait terrified expression botanical anatomy, skeletal with extra flesh, hd mixed media, 3d collage, highly detailed intricate, surreal illustration dark art, by jenny saville has this preview:
rococo maximalist dog portrait terrified expression botanical anatomy, skeletal with extra flesh, hd mixed media, 3d collage, highly detailed intricate, surreal illustration dark art, by jenny saville preview

The image is a highly detailed and intricate surreal illustration by Jenny Saville, featuring a rococo maximalist dog portrait. The dog's terrified expression is emphasized by its botanical anatomy, which appears skeletal with extra flesh. The artwork is executed in high definition mixed media, combining 3D collage techniques. Overall, it exudes a dark art aesthetic, creating a captivating and visually striking composition.

The user zombiefx aka has uploaded 1 and if you enjoy the rococo maximalist dog portrait terrified expression botanical anatomy, skeletal with extra flesh, hd mixed media, 3d collage, highly detailed intricate, surreal illustration dark art, by jenny saville feel free to check out all the art of zombiefx in the gallery, click the button bellow:
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Upload date Wed Nov 30 2022, art rococo maximalist dog portrait terrified expression botanical anatomy, skeletal with extra flesh, hd mixed media, 3d collage, highly detailed intricate, surreal illustration dark art, by jenny saville, by user , also known by the user name zombiefx