Xylia lost her way - loving owl
This art is titled Xylia lost her way - loving owl and it was created by the user joclyntheowl that is also known by
This content creator uploaded the art named Xylia lost her way - loving owl at Wed Nov 30 2022And the art Xylia lost her way - loving owl has this preview:
In the image, Xylia, a young girl with disheveled hair and a worried expression, stands in a dense forest. She appears lost and uncertain of which direction to take. However, perched on a branch above her is a beautiful loving owl, staring down at her with compassionate eyes. Despite being lost, Xylia finds solace and a sense of protection in the presence of this wise and affectionate creature.
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Upload date Wed Nov 30 2022, art Xylia lost her way - loving owl, by user , also known by the user name joclyntheowl