なーねーこーれ? あ? なーねーこーれ?

This art is titled なーねーこーれ? あ? なーねーこーれ? and it was created by the user s0k0u0l0l that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named なーねーこーれ? あ? なーねーこーれ? at Fri Dec 30 2022
And the art なーねーこーれ? あ? なーねーこーれ? has this preview:
なーねーこーれ? preview

The image is not provided, but based on the text, it seems like someone is asking a question while pointing at something. The first person asks, "なーねーこーれ?" which translates to "Hey, what's this?" Then the second person responds with a surprised tone, simply saying "あ?" which means "Huh?"

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Upload date Fri Dec 30 2022, art なーねーこーれ? あ? なーねーこーれ?, by user , also known by the user name s0k0u0l0l