Anunnaki enslaving humans in ancient sumer
This art is titled anunnaki enslaving humans in ancient sumer and it was created by the user skywalker90 that is also known by
This content creator uploaded the art named anunnaki enslaving humans in ancient sumer at Tue Feb 14 2023And the art anunnaki enslaving humans in ancient sumer has this preview:
The image depicts an ancient Sumerian scene where the powerful Anunnaki deities are portrayed as enslaving humans. The unearthly beings with their imposing figures and divine garments dominate the artwork, while the submissive humans, depicted as smaller figures with meek expressions, appear to be under their control. The image conveys the prevailing belief amongst some ancient civilizations about the role of the mysterious Anunnaki in the subjugation of humanity.
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Upload date Tue Feb 14 2023, art anunnaki enslaving humans in ancient sumer, by user , also known by the user name skywalker90