Lent, deep fervent repentance of the faithful, warrior archangel michael like artemis the huntress brings a lunar tidal wave, tsunami, cleansing sinners from the temple

This art is titled lent, deep fervent repentance of the faithful, warrior archangel michael like artemis the huntress brings a lunar tidal wave, tsunami, cleansing sinners from the temple and it was created by the user digory that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named lent, deep fervent repentance of the faithful, warrior archangel michael like artemis the huntress brings a lunar tidal wave, tsunami, cleansing sinners from the temple at Mon Mar 06 2023
And the art lent, deep fervent repentance of the faithful, warrior archangel michael like artemis the huntress brings a lunar tidal wave, tsunami, cleansing sinners from the temple has this preview:
lent, deep fervent repentance of the faithful, warrior archangel michael like artemis the huntress brings a lunar tidal wave,  tsunami, cleansing sinners from the temple preview

In this mesmerizing image, Lent takes center stage as a time of deep and fervent repentance for the faithful. Symbolizing unwavering devotion, the archangel Michael appears akin to the fierce and agile huntress Artemis. With celestial might, he conjures a lunar tidal wave, resembling a magnificent tsunami, that crashes into a sacred temple, purging it of its sinners and offering them redemption and spiritual cleansing.

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Upload date Mon Mar 06 2023, art lent, deep fervent repentance of the faithful, warrior archangel michael like artemis the huntress brings a lunar tidal wave, tsunami, cleansing sinners from the temple, by user , also known by the user name digory