Magnificent horse, ultra-realistic, intense detail, pencil drawing by john banovich

This art is titled magnificent horse, ultra-realistic, intense detail, pencil drawing by john banovich and it was created by the user vghness that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named magnificent horse, ultra-realistic, intense detail, pencil drawing by john banovich at Mon May 01 2023
And the art magnificent horse, ultra-realistic, intense detail, pencil drawing by john banovich has this preview:
magnificent horse, ultra-realistic, intense detail, pencil drawing by john banovich preview

In this stunning pencil drawing by John Banovich, a magnificent horse comes to life with its ultra-realistic portrayal and intense detail. Every strand of hair, contour of muscle, and sparkle in its eyes is meticulously sketched, creating a masterpiece that captures the essence of the equine spirit. The artwork showcases Banovich's exceptional talent and his ability to showcase the beauty and power of this majestic creature through skillful pencil strokes.

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Upload date Mon May 01 2023, art magnificent horse, ultra-realistic, intense detail, pencil drawing by john banovich, by user , also known by the user name vghness