Diner Nightmare - a cup of coffee, murder weapon, blood stains, death
This art is titled Diner Nightmare - a cup of coffee, murder weapon, blood stains, death and it was created by the user gemafire99 that is also known by
This content creator uploaded the art named Diner Nightmare - a cup of coffee, murder weapon, blood stains, death at Tue May 09 2023And the art Diner Nightmare - a cup of coffee, murder weapon, blood stains, death has this preview:
In the eerie image of "Diner Nightmare," a cup of coffee sits ominously on a rustic table, its steaming tendrils suspended in mid-air. A murder weapon, a bloodied knife, lies nearby, its cold steel glinting under dim lights. Blood stains splatter the table and floor, bearing witness to the gruesome act that has just unfolded, its tragic consequences still lingering in the air. Death, a looming presence, silently envelops the once lively diner, casting a chilling shadow upon the scene.
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Upload date Tue May 09 2023, art Diner Nightmare - a cup of coffee, murder weapon, blood stains, death, by user , also known by the user name gemafire99