"bronze statues" pyramids "edward gorey"

This art is titled "bronze statues" pyramids "edward gorey" and it was created by the user simonetta6 that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named "bronze statues" pyramids "edward gorey" at Tue May 16 2023
And the art "bronze statues" pyramids "edward gorey" has this preview:
"bronze statues" pyramids "edward gorey" preview

In this intriguing image, bronze statues stand proudly against a dramatic backdrop of pyramids. The statues exude an air of elegance and timelessness, their shimmering bronze surfaces catching the sunlight. The overall scene seems reminiscent of renowned artist Edward Gorey's distinct style, blending a sense of mystery and whimsy with historical elements.

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Upload date Tue May 16 2023, art "bronze statues" pyramids "edward gorey", by user , also known by the user name simonetta6