Tetradic colors orange abstract circles. tetradic colors green abstract lines, dynamic composition $human$

This art is titled tetradic colors orange abstract circles. tetradic colors green abstract lines, dynamic composition $human$ and it was created by the user feuerle that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named tetradic colors orange abstract circles. tetradic colors green abstract lines, dynamic composition $human$ at Sat May 20 2023
And the art tetradic colors orange abstract circles. tetradic colors green abstract lines, dynamic composition $human$ has this preview:
tetradic colors orange abstract circles. tetradic colors green abstract lines, dynamic composition $human$ preview

The image is a dynamic composition featuring abstract circles in vibrant shades of orange. These circles are arranged in a pattern that follows the principles of tetradic colors. In contrast, there are abstract lines in various shades of green, also following the tetradic color scheme, intersecting and intertwining with the circles. The presence of human elements is implied, giving a sense of movement and energy to the overall artwork.

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Upload date Sat May 20 2023, art tetradic colors orange abstract circles. tetradic colors green abstract lines, dynamic composition $human$, by user , also known by the user name feuerle