Whitestorm, fluffy, snowy-white cat, amber eyes, in a forest, warrior cat art style, hd.

This art is titled whitestorm, fluffy, snowy-white cat, amber eyes, in a forest, warrior cat art style, hd. and it was created by the user purplefoot that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named whitestorm, fluffy, snowy-white cat, amber eyes, in a forest, warrior cat art style, hd. at Tue May 23 2023
And the art whitestorm, fluffy, snowy-white cat, amber eyes, in a forest, warrior cat art style, hd. has this preview:
whitestorm, fluffy, snowy-white cat, amber eyes, in a forest, warrior cat art style, hd. preview

The image depicts a magnificent whitestorm, a fluffy and regal snowy-white cat with captivating amber eyes. The cat is situated in a serene forest, surrounded by towering trees covered in a fresh blanket of snow. The art style resembles the iconic warrior cat series, bringing out the cat's majestic presence in high definition detail.

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Upload date Tue May 23 2023, art whitestorm, fluffy, snowy-white cat, amber eyes, in a forest, warrior cat art style, hd., by user , also known by the user name purplefoot