Contained Fire - in the depths of a cave lying in the middle of a large puddle floating above is a sphere made of ice and in the middle of it is a bright flame lighting up the whole area of the cavern

This art is titled Contained Fire - in the depths of a cave lying in the middle of a large puddle floating above is a sphere made of ice and in the middle of it is a bright flame lighting up the whole area of the cavern and it was created by the user jgeo that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named Contained Fire - in the depths of a cave lying in the middle of a large puddle floating above is a sphere made of ice and in the middle of it is a bright flame lighting up the whole area of the cavern at Thu Jun 01 2023
And the art Contained Fire - in the depths of a cave lying in the middle of a large puddle floating above is a sphere made of ice and in the middle of it is a bright flame lighting up the whole area of the cavern has this preview:
Contained Fire - in the depths of a cave lying in the middle of a large puddle floating above is a sphere made of ice and in the middle of it is a bright flame lighting up the whole area of the cavern preview

In the depths of a cave, a mesmerizing sight awaits. Lying in the middle of a vast, still pool of water, a captivating and contradictory spectacle captures all attention. Perched above the surface, a sphere meticulously crafted from ice encompasses a celestial flame at its core. This radiant blaze casts a warm and vibrant glow that effortlessly illuminates every nook and cranny of the cavern, transforming the dark depths into a surreal, otherworldly sanctuary.

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Upload date Thu Jun 01 2023, art Contained Fire - in the depths of a cave lying in the middle of a large puddle floating above is a sphere made of ice and in the middle of it is a bright flame lighting up the whole area of the cavern, by user , also known by the user name jgeo