Golden t-rex with shining green eyes carnotaurus head 2 horns side wiew

This art is titled golden t-rex with shining green eyes carnotaurus head 2 horns side wiew and it was created by the user themightymike that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named golden t-rex with shining green eyes carnotaurus head 2 horns side wiew at Tue Jun 13 2023
And the art golden t-rex with shining green eyes carnotaurus head 2 horns side wiew has this preview:
golden t-rex with shining green eyes carnotaurus head 2 horns side wiew preview

The image depicts a majestic golden T-rex with fierce green eyes that exude an intimidating glow. Its head showcases the distinct features of a carnotaurus, including two menacing horns protruding from its brow. The side view perspective allows for an excellent view of this extraordinary creature in all its glory.

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Upload date Tue Jun 13 2023, art golden t-rex with shining green eyes carnotaurus head 2 horns side wiew, by user , also known by the user name themightymike