Halloween Gift - ghoul gnawing on a pumpkin in graveyard
This art is titled Halloween Gift - ghoul gnawing on a pumpkin in graveyard and it was created by the user coemhain that is also known by
This content creator uploaded the art named Halloween Gift - ghoul gnawing on a pumpkin in graveyard at Sat Jul 22 2023And the art Halloween Gift - ghoul gnawing on a pumpkin in graveyard has this preview:
In the eerie ambiance of a moonlit graveyard, a grotesque ghoul is captured in the image. With sharp fangs exposed, it hungrily gnaws on a vibrant orange pumpkin, its waxen skin reflecting a sinister glow. This Halloween gift combines the macabre elements of the ghoul and the festive symbol of a jack-o'-lantern, embracing the darker side of the holiday spirit.
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Upload date Sat Jul 22 2023, art Halloween Gift - ghoul gnawing on a pumpkin in graveyard, by user , also known by the user name coemhain