Unintelligiblegender - face covered in eyeballs, purple yellow white black pastels
This art is titled unintelligiblegender - face covered in eyeballs, purple yellow white black pastels and it was created by the user detectvewiggles that is also known by
This content creator uploaded the art named unintelligiblegender - face covered in eyeballs, purple yellow white black pastels at Sat Jul 22 2023And the art unintelligiblegender - face covered in eyeballs, purple yellow white black pastels has this preview:
The image depicts an unintelligible gender figure with a face covered in a multitude of eerie eyeballs. The color palette consists of shades of purple, yellow, white, and black, giving the artwork a unique blend of pastel tones. This surreal portrayal invokes a sense of mystery and curiosity, leaving viewers to ponder the significance behind the vivid imagery.
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Upload date Sat Jul 22 2023, art unintelligiblegender - face covered in eyeballs, purple yellow white black pastels, by user , also known by the user name detectvewiggles