The old man of storr rockformation on isle of sky,by larry elmore$sign$

This art is titled the old man of storr rockformation on isle of sky,by larry elmore$sign$ and it was created by the user pvivo that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named the old man of storr rockformation on isle of sky,by larry elmore$sign$ at Fri Aug 04 2023
And the art the old man of storr rockformation on isle of sky,by larry elmore$sign$ has this preview:
the old man of storr rockformation on isle of sky,by larry elmore$sign$ preview

The image depicts the famous Old Man of Storr rock formation on the Isle of Skye, captured by Larry Elmore. The rocky pinnacle, shaped like an ancient face overlooking the landscape, stands tall against the elements. The artist's signature can be seen in the bottom corner, indicating the personal touch and mastery of technique brought to the depiction of this stunning natural landmark.

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Upload date Fri Aug 04 2023, art the old man of storr rockformation on isle of sky,by larry elmore$sign$, by user , also known by the user name pvivo