Full statue of neptune

This art is titled full statue of neptune and it was created by the user orla101 that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named full statue of neptune at Fri Aug 04 2023
And the art full statue of neptune has this preview:
full statue of neptune preview

The image depicts a magnificent statue of Neptune, the god of the sea, in all its majestic glory. The statue stands tall and commanding, seemingly carved out of a single block of stone. Neptune is portrayed with a stern expression, holding a trident in his muscular hands, symbolizing his power and control over the ocean. The intricate details of the statue's flowing beard, wavy hair, and intricately designed armor further emphasize its grandeur and artistry.

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Upload date Fri Aug 04 2023, art full statue of neptune, by user , also known by the user name orla101