Pyramidhead - a towering, faceless figure clad in rusty, blood-stained armor, hefting a huge, serrated greatsword.
This art is titled pyramidhead - a towering, faceless figure clad in rusty, blood-stained armor, hefting a huge, serrated greatsword. and it was created by the user moirrey that is also known by
This content creator uploaded the art named pyramidhead - a towering, faceless figure clad in rusty, blood-stained armor, hefting a huge, serrated greatsword. at Fri Aug 18 2023And the art pyramidhead - a towering, faceless figure clad in rusty, blood-stained armor, hefting a huge, serrated greatsword. has this preview:
In the image, a monstrous and imposing figure known as Pyramidhead emerges from the shadows. Towering over the landscape, the towering creature wears ancient, rusty armor with stains of dried blood. Its face remains concealed, evoking an eerie sense of mystery and fear. Its grip tightens around a massive, serrated greatsword, ready to unleash a world of pain upon any unfortunate soul who dares to cross its path.
The user moirrey aka has uploaded 1 and if you enjoy the pyramidhead - a towering, faceless figure clad in rusty, blood-stained armor, hefting a huge, serrated greatsword. feel free to check out all the art of moirrey in the gallery, click the button bellow:
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Upload date Fri Aug 18 2023, art pyramidhead - a towering, faceless figure clad in rusty, blood-stained armor, hefting a huge, serrated greatsword., by user , also known by the user name moirrey