A woman in the sky, with the sun for her clothes, with the moon under her feet, wearing twelve stars on her head
This art is titled a woman in the sky, with the sun for her clothes, with the moon under her feet, wearing twelve stars on her head and it was created by the user digory that is also known by
This content creator uploaded the art named a woman in the sky, with the sun for her clothes, with the moon under her feet, wearing twelve stars on her head at Mon Aug 21 2023And the art a woman in the sky, with the sun for her clothes, with the moon under her feet, wearing twelve stars on her head has this preview:
The image depicts a woman gracefully hovering in the sky, surrounded by a breathtaking celestial tapestry. She appears radiant, with the warm glow of the sun forming her ethereal garments, while the serene moon rests gently beneath her feet. Adorned with a crown of twelve sparkling stars, she embodies an otherworldly beauty and heavenly power.
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Upload date Mon Aug 21 2023, art a woman in the sky, with the sun for her clothes, with the moon under her feet, wearing twelve stars on her head, by user , also known by the user name digory