Terry - terry the blue french bulldog with tan paws, sleeping on his back dreaming of running around playing

This art is titled Terry - terry the blue french bulldog with tan paws, sleeping on his back dreaming of running around playing and it was created by the user olivewoof20 that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named Terry - terry the blue french bulldog with tan paws, sleeping on his back dreaming of running around playing at Tue Aug 22 2023
And the art Terry - terry the blue french bulldog with tan paws, sleeping on his back dreaming of running around playing has this preview:
Terry - terry the blue french bulldog with tan paws, sleeping on his back dreaming of running around playing preview

The image captures Terry, a charming blue French Bulldog with adorable tan paws, fast asleep on his back. A peaceful expression graces his face as he transcends into a world of dreams. In his slumber, he envisions himself joyously sprinting and frolicking around, embodying the purest form of playfulness.

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Upload date Tue Aug 22 2023, art Terry - terry the blue french bulldog with tan paws, sleeping on his back dreaming of running around playing, by user , also known by the user name olivewoof20