Shriek holding a mini shred that’s holding a mini shred that’s holding a uzi -

This art is titled shriek holding a mini shred that’s holding a mini shred that’s holding a uzi - and it was created by the user pikemon that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named shriek holding a mini shred that’s holding a mini shred that’s holding a uzi - at Sat Aug 26 2023
And the art shriek holding a mini shred that’s holding a mini shred that’s holding a uzi - has this preview:
shriek holding a mini shred that’s holding a mini shred that’s holding a uzi - preview

The image portrays a shriek, a small mythical creature, clutching a minuscule shred of fabric, which in turn grips another even smaller shred. It is both intriguing and whimsical to witness the complexity of this tiny chain. Additionally, at the very end of this intricate line, a minute uzi can be seen, adding an unexpected element of danger and conflict to the overall composition.

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Upload date Sat Aug 26 2023, art shriek holding a mini shred that’s holding a mini shred that’s holding a uzi -, by user , also known by the user name pikemon