Fox - a red fox with his tail curled around his feet, looking up at the moon.

This art is titled fox - a red fox with his tail curled around his feet, looking up at the moon. and it was created by the user nonamelamo that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named fox - a red fox with his tail curled around his feet, looking up at the moon. at Sun Aug 27 2023
And the art fox - a red fox with his tail curled around his feet, looking up at the moon. has this preview:
fox - a red fox with his tail curled around his feet, looking up at the moon. preview

In the serene darkness of the night, a majestic red fox sits peacefully on a moss-covered rock. Its luxurious fur glows in the moonlight as it gazes up at the silver orb above. With its fluffy tail gracefully curled around its paws, the fox seems captivated by the lunar presence, lost in a moment of wonder and tranquility.

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Upload date Sun Aug 27 2023, art fox - a red fox with his tail curled around his feet, looking up at the moon., by user , also known by the user name nonamelamo