By: Wendy Istre - lightning tree

This art is titled By: Wendy Istre - lightning tree and it was created by the user riddles that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named By: Wendy Istre - lightning tree at Thu Aug 31 2023
And the art By: Wendy Istre - lightning tree has this preview:
By: Wendy Istre - lightning tree preview

The image titled "Lightning Tree" by Wendy Istre portrays a solitary tree standing against a dark and stormy sky. The tree, its branches gnarled and twisted, appears to be struck by a brilliant bolt of lightning, which illuminates the surrounding area in a dazzling burst of light. The composition evokes a sense of awe and wonder, emphasizing the untamed power of nature and the beauty that can emerge from destruction.

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Upload date Thu Aug 31 2023, art By: Wendy Istre - lightning tree, by user , also known by the user name riddles