כריש לוויתן

This art is titled כריש לוויתן and it was created by the user eytan2012 that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named כריש לוויתן at Wed Sep 13 2023
And the art כריש לוויתן has this preview:
כריש לוויתן preview

The image depicts a massive whale swimming gracefully through the depths of the ocean. A looming and powerful dark silhouette of a shark, most likely a Great White, can be seen gracefully gliding alongside the magnificent Leviathan. The contrasting sizes of the two creatures and the calm expression on the whale's face evoke a sense of awe and wonder.

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Upload date Wed Sep 13 2023, art כריש לוויתן, by user , also known by the user name eytan2012