By: Wendy Istre - temple of the sun

This art is titled By: Wendy Istre - temple of the sun and it was created by the user riddles that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named By: Wendy Istre - temple of the sun at Thu Sep 14 2023
And the art By: Wendy Istre - temple of the sun has this preview:
By: Wendy Istre - temple of the sun preview

The image captured by Wendy Istre showcases the remarkable Temple of the Sun in all its grandeur. The temple, a significant architectural marvel, is a sight to behold with its towering stone walls reaching towards the sky. The play of sunlight on its surface creates a mesmerizing spectacle, evoking a sense of awe and reverence in the viewer.

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Upload date Thu Sep 14 2023, art By: Wendy Istre - temple of the sun, by user , also known by the user name riddles