Cat as an office worker walking on a road

This art is titled cat as an office worker walking on a road and it was created by the user prany69 that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named cat as an office worker walking on a road at Fri Sep 15 2023
And the art cat as an office worker walking on a road has this preview:
cat as an office worker walking on a road preview

In the image, a mischievous cat takes on the role of an office worker, strutting confidently along a road. Dressed in a miniature suit and tie, the feline displays an air of professionalism with each pawstep. With a briefcase in one paw, this unconventional "employee" flaunts a humorous display of feline determination, creating a whimsical contrast between the animal world and the corporate setting.

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Upload date Fri Sep 15 2023, art cat as an office worker walking on a road, by user , also known by the user name prany69