. - city life | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

.. - audio waves | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

audio waves | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

audio waves | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

icarus burned by the sun oscar's like gold trophy with broken wings slightly abstract

fresh juicy apple getting burned by fire and shedding its skin

audio waves | heat affected burns and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | burned celluloid, incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

20‑foot-tall black-furred minotaur with six iron horns. a fiendish light burned in his red eyes

... - solar system | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | heat affected burned and melted film | subsurface light scattering

... - reverberation | audible echo | tape echo | worn vhs tape | phasing | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | heat affected burned and melted film | ultra noisy film grain | ultra strong noise | screen tearing

Giver of Life - there’s a floral landscape. it is full of red and orange flowers. a fire is sweeping through the field. some will be burned but some will regrow. a volcano is in the background and it is angry.

i asked the van de graaff generator a question but the raven answered | dan seagrave burne hogarth bernie wrightson

i asked the van de graaff generator a question but the raven answered | dan seagrave burne hogarth bernie wrightson