a dirigible floats over an overgrown jungle city

a sea of tents

heavyset man pushing stroller through an aquarium

heavyset man pushing stroller through an aquarium

pendulum with severed hand in the spotlight

hand of glory with eyeballs on each finger

ghost face killer

samurai regrets ordering sushi

jesus forgot his wallet

jesus forgot his wallet

coat hangar kamikaze

a bomb came crashing through the roof if a house at the end of the alley and burst in the basement, showering the street with slate and plaster. a second struck a chimney and plunged into the garden, followed by an avalanche of bricks, and another exploded with a deafening report in the next street.

he twisted his legs around a fence-chain and leaned down again. the cellar was flooded with a yellow light, and the air reeked with the stench of petroleum torches. the iron door still held, but a whole plate of metal was gone, and now as they looked a figure came creeping through, holding a torch.

an icy wind swept down from the heights, cutting the fog into shreds. for an instant, with an evil leer the sun peered through the bare woods of vincennes, sank like a blood-clot in the battery smoke, lower, lower, into the blood soaked plain.

the blackness within was blinding, a dark from which she turned her head and looked away

the shaman sat within the smokey hut, arranging the tokens that tell my future. a skull, an obsidian blade, a cup, a feather.

it’s another illustration that our sun truly is the queen of the solar system, even to its most distant reaches.

on one corner stood a barrow full of yellow jonquils, pale violets from the riviera, dark russian violets, and white roman hyacinths in a golden cloud of mimosa.

child states out through the bars of a closed portcullis. prince or pauper, the crown cares not - the children are the kingdom.

closeup on the interior of a mug of tea. an octopus colored like the union jack is reaching its tentacles towards the tea

the ritual must be performed in the correct order. any mistakes could result in the ritual being unsuccessful or even dangerous. the practitioner must focus their intent on the entity they are summoning. this means being clear about what they want from the entity and being willing to pay the price.

movie poster for science fiction film called “interstellar ii” that featured a helmeted astronaut floating above a star scape

a mummified body, curled up on its side so that it’s gnarled knees almost touched its forehead

outside, a storm rages, with rain pelting against the tall windows. thunder rumbles in the distance, adding to the atmosphere of suspense. as the figure turns the pages, their expression changes from curiosity to bewilderment. they glance around the room, sensing that they are not alone.

had a dream that a flying fish, white and long, came through the open 2nd story window. i tried to chase it out the window, but my hands were full and it flopped off the sill and then flew inward and toward the door. i kicked at the door, but it closed too slowly and only caught its tail in the door... and then it wriggled free.

the oasis shimmered in the heat. alex was unsure whether it was real and he was saved, or it was an illusion and he was already dead

tiger tiger burning bright, in the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry

it’s another illustration that our sun truly is the lord of the solar system, even to its most distant reaches.

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a rail switching yard.

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a platoon of a clockwork army.

on one corner stood a barrow full of yellow jonquils, pale violets from the riviera, dark russian violets, and white roman hyacinths in a golden cloud of mimosa.

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace

woman running on top of a lake, ripples spread from where here feet touched its surface

brevard eoc: we have deactivated our launch operations support team after a successful launch of the spacex falcon9 rocket.

a black cloud hung over the fortifications. from horizon to horizon the canon smoke stretched in wavering bands, now capping the spires and domes with cloud, now blowing in streamers and shreds along the streets, now descending from the housetops, enveloping quays, bridges, and river in a sulphurous mist.

on every side stretched the moorland, covered with flowering gorse and heath and granite boulders. there was not a tree in sight, much less a house.

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a power plant.

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a squatting robotic mortar the size of a large dog.

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace