Helóïse and Roman - a woman sleeping in a man’s arms


Seeya there - stairway down to hell

hell is eternal separation from god, the loss of all good things. in hell we know god only as enemy

sunday day 1: light and darkness were separated. palm sunday/easter sunday - jesus' triumphal entry and resurrection pentecost helios (greek), sol (roman), sunna (norse) gold light, sun, healing

"it helped to see the rainbow...finally...."

sunday day 1: light and darkness were separated. palm sunday/easter sunday - jesus' triumphal entry and resurrection pentecost helios, sol, sunna, gold light, sun, healing

in the soft glow of the moonlight, a priestess of the moon stands amidst ancient ruins, her face is serene and she has large, dark eyes. her ethereal robe adorned with shimmering lunar symbols. her hands are gracefully held together in prayer

in the soft glow of the moonlight, a priestess of the moon stands amidst ancient ruins, her face is serene and she has large, dark eyes. her ethereal robe adorned with shimmering lunar symbols. her hands are gracefully held together in prayer

hellfire flowers serene behemoth

in the soft glow of the moonlight, a priestess of the moon stands amidst ancient ruins, her face is serene and she has large, dark eyes. her ethereal robe adorned with shimmering lunar symbols. her hands are gracefully held together in prayer

in the soft glow of the moonlight, a priestess of the moon stands amidst ancient ruins, her face is serene and she has large, dark eyes. her ethereal robe adorned with shimmering lunar symbols. her hands are gracefully held together in prayer

in the soft glow of the moonlight, a priestess of the moon stands amidst ancient ruins, her face is serene and she has large, dark eyes. her ethereal robe adorned with shimmering lunar symbols. her hands are gracefully held together in prayer

a tree staircase leading from hell up to a graveyard, inside a bubble rift

a tree staircase leading from hell up to a graveyard, inside a bubble rift

blessed is he whose help is the god of jacob,
whose hope is in the lord, his god,
who made heaven and earth,
the sea and all that is in them.

a mandolorian with a path of death and destruction around him, following him wherever he goes. his eyes are cold and calculating, and his mouth is set in a grim line under his helmet -

a mandolorian with a path of death and destruction around him, following him wherever he goes. his eyes are cold and calculating, and his mouth is set in a grim line under his helmet

a mandolorian with a path of death and destruction around him, following him wherever he goes. his eyes are cold and calculating, and his mouth is set in a grim line under his helmet