The faceless ones - alien gray with silver skin: artstation maya hd

Page 6 - in the land of dreams, lily met a wise old owl named ophelia, who taught her the power of believing in oneself. ophelia guided lily through a maze of challenges, teaching her valuable lessons about courage, kindness, and the importance of following her dreams.

Look for loved ones - bear

"in the beginning there was the word, and the word was good, and then the word said that there be light ones from that the light was good"

Teachings - teachings of eagle feather, planning, farthest seer, connection to something greater than oneself, highest flyer, respect, colorful

at the orphanage for abandoned magical creatures, a dormitory with several little fluff monsters sleeping peacefully in their beds. good night, little ones! high-res digital illustration

Coloryful Black Hole - black hole spining the lights, spining the colors, around it, there is too much color: blue, red, yellow, black, white, purple, but the other ones