Hermes Trismegistus - legendary founder of hermeticism hermes trismegistus stands in an ancient egyptian landscape wearing long blue hooded robes covered in silver stars. bearded old man holds staff emerald tablet. pet cat preview
Hermes Trismegistus - legendary founder of hermeticism hermes trismegistus stands in an ancient egyptian landscape wearing long blue hooded robes covered in silver stars. bearded old man holds staff emerald tablet. pet cat
Hermes Trismegistus - legendary founder of hermeticism hermes trismegistus stands in an ancient egyptian landscape wearing long blue hooded robes covered in silver stars. the bearded old man holds staff an emerald tablet preview
Hermes Trismegistus - legendary founder of hermeticism hermes trismegistus stands in an ancient egyptian landscape wearing long blue hooded robes covered in silver stars. the bearded old man holds staff an emerald tablet
the father of the universals doth consist of light and life, and from him man was born. hermes trismegistus (the divine pymander) preview
the father of the universals doth consist of light and life, and from him man was born. hermes trismegistus (the divine pymander)