péh₂usōn - the god of the waters: poseidon (greek) neptune (roman) varuna (vedic) njord (norse) preview
péh₂usōn - the god of the waters: poseidon (greek) neptune (roman) varuna (vedic) njord (norse)
h₂éusōs - the goddess of the dawn:  eos (greek) aurora (roman) ushas (vedic)
eos (greek)
aurora (roman)
ushas (vedic) preview
h₂éusōs - the goddess of the dawn: eos (greek) aurora (roman) ushas (vedic) eos (greek) aurora (roman) ushas (vedic)
dyḗus ph₂tḗr - the sky father: zeus (greek) jupiter (roman) tyr (norse) dyaus pita (vedic) deus (latin) preview
dyḗus ph₂tḗr - the sky father: zeus (greek) jupiter (roman) tyr (norse) dyaus pita (vedic) deus (latin)