angles moon artemis huntress phases of the moon vast sky sea church tides

a surrealism image, include strange angles, images of bizarre spider, juxtapositions, unconsciousness as a valid reality, dream-like, hyperrealism,afrocentric, musical dynamics by kay sage🔬🐔🐜

a surrealism image, include strange angles, images of bizarre spider, juxtapositions, unconsciousness as a valid reality, dream-like, hyperrealism,musical cacophony by kay sage🔬🐔🥚

a surrealism image, include strange angles, images of bizarre spider, juxtapositions, unconsciousness as a valid reality, dream-like, hyperrealism,musical cacophony by kay sage

a surrealism image, include strange angles, images of bizarre spider, juxtapositions, conscious reality, dream-like,style of sphongle,, letterboxing hyperrealism,musical cacophony by kay sage🔬🐔🥚

fairies and angles

a surrealism image, include strange angles, images of bizarre spider, juxtapositions, unconsciousness as a valid reality, dream-like, hyperrealism,musical cacophony by kay sage🔬🐔🥚

flying angles

day 2: the sky was created, and the waters were devided holy monday - jesus clears the temple angles selene (greek), luna (roman), mani (norse) silver night, moon, dreams, fertility, hunting

sun and moon, resurrection of jesus, choirs of angles, light in the atmosphere, light in the ocean, apollo and diana

temple tides - moon, tides, artemis, angles, cleansing and cleaning the temple, a house of prayer

artemis cleaning - moon, tides, artemis, angles, cleansing and cleaning the temple, a house of prayer

draw a hippo woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a dog woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a dog woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a dog woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a dog woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a werewolf woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a werewolf woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a hippo man ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a hippo woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a octopus man dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows.

draw a bird woman with a bird beak ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a dog woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a pig woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

draw a hippo woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows

day 2: the sky was created, and the waters were devided holy monday - jesus clears the temple angles selene, luna, mani, silver, night, moon, dreams, fertility, hunting

draw a rhino woman ordering food from mcdonalds in a dc comic art style, with dramatic lighting angles and lots of shadows