Page 15 - and so, the sloth who dreamed of being funny, became a beloved comedian, making hearts sunny. with his slow and silly jokes, he brought joy to all, the sloth who made the jungle laugh, standing tall.

yhwh, the name, the word became flesh and dwelt among us

the word of god became a human being

"with her blackened wings and smoldering eyes, she descended upon the mortal realm, casting a sinister shadow over everything she touched. her powers were twisted, laced with malevolence, and her purpose became the corruption of human souls"

"with her blackened wings and smoldering eyes, she descended upon the mortal realm, casting a sinister shadow over everything she touched. her powers were twisted, laced with malevolence, and her purpose became the corruption of human souls"

the gospel of john l lshows that jesus is the word of god became a human being