1980's rally cheap luxury small crossover suv, dark green

Interesting Concept 3 - Augmented R, almost there - compare and contrast good with bad, using a cosplay character posing in front of a cheap set and remove 88% of the good. also merge original character with her friend who wants to expand her mind

dreamy dreams dreamt dirt cheap

a 6' 2" tall, pale skinned man with brown eyes, large ears and puffy cheeks. he has curly, orange-gold hair, has a cheap perfume, seems prejudiced, and he has a strange burn on his face.

dreamy dreams dreamt dirt cheap

a 6' 2" tall, pale skinned man with brown eyes, large ears and puffy cheeks. he has curly, orange-gold hair, has a cheap perfume, seems prejudiced, and he has a strange burn on his face.