cherubim with six wings, flaming with holy love, holy spirit, dove, birds are dinosaurs, holy serpent

cherubim with face, flaming with holy love, holy spirit, dove, birds are dinosaurs, holy serpent

cherubim, flaming with holy love, holy spirit, dove, birds are dinosaurs, holy serpent

cherubim, flaming with holy love, holy spirit, dove, birds are dinosaurs,

Противоречия - внутри меня гражданская война!
внутри меня бушуют океаны.
внутри меня такая глубина -
подобная гранёному стакану.
внутри меня такая темнота -
подобная сияющему солнцу,
а в темноте такая пустота -
что наполняет и наружу рвётся.

Purple Knight 55 - emma watson, purple, knife in her hand, long flowing pink hair, soft rococo pastels of jean-honoré fragonard and the sleek art deco aesthetics of tamara de lempicka, strong shape language, perfect visual quality, fragonard’s whimsical cherubim and flowing fabrics, glowing lights

Sailor Moon 11 - moon princess, sailor moon, odango hairstyle, long flowing blonde hair, crescent moon, soft rococo pastels, jean-honoré fragonard, tamara de lempicka, strong shape language, perfect visual quality, whimsical cherubim and flowing fabrics, glowing lights, dream aesthetic, dancing, woman in motion, woman dancing, princesscore

simple outline, simple symbol, simple icon, angel, good, holy, dragon, serpent, flaming cherubim