tintype of a bees nest honeycombs burrowed into a bald woman’s head, artistic collaboration, 1900’s by leonora carrington arthur tress, franz kafka, jheronimus bosch, louis daguerre

mutant atomic supermen, artistic collaboration, by leonora carrington arthur tress, franz kafka, jheronimus bosch, louis daguerre

tintype of a victorian society,rhode island, artistic collaboration, 1900’s by leonora carrington arthur tress, franz kafka, jheronimus bosch, louis daguerre

gigantic prehistoric cromagnon man buried in the saharan desert up to his decomposed head and neck discovered by anthropologic explorers. forensic collaboration, by leonora carrington arthur tress, jheronimus bosch, louis daguerre

tintype of a normal family sitting on a couch in a sparse shadowy macabre living room with blurred ghostly silhouettes on the wall behind them, artistic collaboration, by leonora carrington, arthur tress, jheronimus bosch, louis daguerre & franz kafka

incredibly preserved prehistoric cromagnon man buried in the saharan desert up to his decomposed head and neck discovered by anthropologic explorers. forensic collaboration, by leonora carrington arthur tress, jheronimus bosch, louis daguerre