day 2: the sky was created, and the waters were devided holy monday - jesus clears the temple angles selene (greek), luna (roman), mani (norse) silver night, moon, dreams, fertility, hunting

the holy spirit as a fiery dove-dinosaur-dragon, the rod of asclepius/caduceus, moses's staff, the cross

the holy spirit fire, moses holding a tall pole with the bronze snakes-serpent-dragon crucified on top of the pole. in the desert wilderness

crucifixion, horse, eclipse, the noon light is dark. jesus on the cross. darkness at high noon, darkness in the day

sun and moon, resurrection of jesus, choirs of angles, light in the atmosphere, light in the ocean, apollo and diana

jesus guiding venus as lady wisdom with copper hair creating animals at the command of god jesus the word the logos suffering sacrifice jesus the human son of man

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin gouged out an eye for wisdom, hermes brings wisdom from heaven

bread and wine, birds and fish, eagle and sea serpent, tin and bronze, zeus and thor, ascension

dawn of the first day, creation of light, resurrection, glorification, solar flare, jesus as apollohelios, gold, cathedrals and catacombs

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin lost an eye for wisdom hermes brings from heaven

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin lost an eye

odin gave his eye for wisdom. mercury. judas betrayed jesus. fasting and working. hermes brings knowledge from heaven like quicksilver.

indigenous: galadriel as queen elizabeth as mary mother of god as a kind good school teacher

blue is a calming, peaceful color that evokes feelings of serenity and tranquility. its hue ranges from light sky to deep navy depending on the shade. it has a smooth texture like velvet or silk - per

yellow green is a bright, cheerful color with a hue ranging from light olive to deep emerald. its smooth texture like silk or velvet evokes feelings of energy and optimism - perfect for bringing joy

the use of deep true blue (with slight hints of cyan and purple) in nature and realistic art

thor and zeus generous banquet of fish and birds, bread and wine. the eucharistic host hosting the supper of the lamb.

thor and zeus generous banquet of fish and birds, bread and wine. the eucharistic host hosting

be quick to hear and slow to speak, slow to anger, seeking the righteousness of god.

our lord jesus christ of nazareth, light of the world, steps out of the tomb as the spring solstice sun brings spring

the father of lights never changes and never has a shadow. he gives every perfect gift to his creatures

the father of lights without any shadow gives gifts to the first fruits of his creation

god cares for the birds and the fish. and gives bread and wine to his people

the creation of the sun, moon, and stars. mercury the messenger god, odin the wise wanderer

the sun and the moon watch, demonic stars falling from heaven like thirty pieces of silver

lady wisdom weeping, stars falling from heaven, icarus, judas throwing away the silver, odin hanging on the cosmic tree,

beltane honours life. it represents the peak of spring and the beginning of summer. earth energies are at their strongest and most active. all of life is bursting with potent fertility

. here is hope. we welcome the growth of the returning light and witness life's insatiable appetite for rebirth.

the spirits of the frozen waterfall, the spirits of intricate frost, the spirit of the majestic blizzard

the twisted, tangled footsteps of foolish sheep who wander into the cold, biting, deadly, sharp jaws of night.

the twisted, tangled footsteps of foolish sheep who wander into the cold, biting, deadly jaws of night.

the winding paths of foolish sheep who wander into the cold biting deadly jaws of night

the winding path of foolish sheep wandering off into the dark cold and dangerous jaws of night. this is the wide road that leads to destruction

the winding twisted path of foolish sheep wandering off into the dark cold and dangerous jaws of night

the footprints of foolish sheep wandering off into the dark cold and dangerous jaws of night

the unknown god. the creator god. the eternal god. the first and the last. the king of kings. the beginning and the end of all things

the unknown god the creator god the eternal god the first and the last the king of kings the beginning and the end

god of lightning and storms, the striker, lord of oaks, mighty hammer, lightning on the wooded hill

sky father was the chief deity, zeus and iupter, the sky father the germanic god tiwaz

god of lightning and storms. the striker lord of oaks holding a hammer weapon. thunder and lightning destructive and regenerative: a lightning bolt can cleave a stone or a tree, rain brings fruit