love hurts, love suffers, love works, love creates life, (the sacrifice victim nailed to the tree of life crucifixion)

dawn of the first day, creation of light, resurrection, glorification, solar flare, jesus as apollohelios, gold, cathedrals and catacombs

biblical powerful angels, eyes and wings, wheels in wheels, moon, lunar, tides, sky and sea, like silver

christ had to die to become the tree of life. if love does not suffer it suffocates the world.

dawn of the first day, creation of light, resurrection, glorification, solar flare, jesus as apollohelios, gold, cathedrals and catacombs

love suffers, jesus crucifixion, sacrifice, venus, morning star, fertility, living things on earth, tree of life, copper

dawn of the first day, creation of light, resurrection, glorification, jesus as apollohelios, gold, cathedrals and catacombs

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin gouged out an eye for wisdom, hermes brings wisdom from heaven

odin gave his eye for wisdom. mercury. judas betrayed jesus. fasting and working. hermes brings knowledge from heaven like quicksilver.

gandalf and the fellowship from "the lord of the rings" if it was set on mars

golum, sam, and frodo from a silent film from the 1920s of the lord of the rings. three people: one golum and two hobbits

gandalf and frodo from a silent film from the 1920s of the lord of the rings

jesus sees the field is empty, in the sky is grain ripe for harvest above him in the sky

yellow green is a bright, cheerful color with a hue ranging from light olive to deep emerald. its smooth texture like silk or velvet evokes feelings of energy and optimism - perfect for bringing joy i

orange is a cheerful color with a warm hue ranging from light yellow to deep copper. it has a smooth texture like velvet or silk and can evoke feelings of joy, creativity, and enthusiasm.

the use of deep true cyan (with slight hints of blue and green) in nature and realistic art

the child jesus as a child(william morris, surreal, arts and crafts movement, tarot card style)

one man that looks like: doctor who and jesus christ. all combined together (with hints of bob ross, bob dylan, and napoleon dynamite)

mother mary is mother earth is mother church, the mother tree at the center of the world forest garden

mother mary is mother earth is mother church, the mother tree at the center of the world forest

second coming, winter scene, diverse faithful families watching from a hill as the sky splits open and jesus christ returns with the clouds

waiting for christ to return, wallpaper, subtle background image: like a vine, like a temple, winter coming

wallpaper, subtle background image: like a vine, like a temple, winter coming, growing up together into christ while we wait for his return

wallpaper, subtle background image: like a vine, like a temple, winter coming, growing up together into christ while we wait for his return

subtle background, like a vine, like a temple, winter coming, growing up together into christ while we wait for his return

like a vine, like a temple, winter coming, growing up together into christ while we wait for his return

like a vine, like a temple, growing up together into christ while we wait for his return

purple red yellow a butterfly that looks just like a flower. a flower that looks just like a butterfly

red orange yellow a butterfly that looks just like a flower. a flower that looks just like a butterfly

purple red orange a butterfly that looks just like a flower. a flower that looks just like a butterfly

blue purple red a butterfly that looks just like a flower. a flower that looks just like a butterfly

all the different types of plant crowded every inch of the wall with every color imaginable

all the colors of the rainbow, on a color wheel illustrated with examples from nature for each color

looking up at the sky from under water as the holy spirit decends like a glorious dove

jesus purifying, tables covered in money, cages full of animals and birds, an ugly mess in the temple in jerusalem. jesus is angry

the moon was inside-out and a false night was reflected in the pool of its smile

(symbolic mystical artwork) creation death and redemption, joyful warning and announcement, atonement sacrificial victim, makeshift homes, new heaven and new earth

(symbolic mystical artwork) creation death and redemption, joyful warning and announcement, atonement sacrificial victim, makeshift homes, new creation

(symbolic mystical artwork) creation death and redemption, joyful warning and announcement, atonement sacrificed victim, makeshift homes, new creation

(symbolic mystical artwork) creation fall and redemption, joyful warning and announcement, atonement sacrifice, makeshift homes, new creation