dirtbike - dirtbike

... - solar system | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | heat affected burned and melted film | subsurface light scattering

memento mori, skull half-buried in the dirt and scattered bones, overgrown in vines and vegetation, a few insects lingering

memento mori, skull lying on its side half-buried in the dirt and scattered bones, overgrown in vines and vegetation, a few insects lingering

dreamy dreams dreamt dirt cheap

dust2dust - memento mori, skull lying on its side half-buried in the dirt and scattered bones, overgrown in vines and vegetation, a few insects lingering

Nightmare Fuel - memento mori, skull lying on its side half-buried in the dirt and scattered bones, overgrown in vines and vegetation, a few insects lingering

memento mori, skull lying on its side half-buried in the dirt and scattered bones, overgrown in vines and vegetation, a few insects lingering

... - reverberation | audible echo | tape echo | worn vhs tape | phasing | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | heat affected burned and melted film | ultra noisy film grain | ultra strong noise | screen tearing

Motocross Link - link from the legend of zelda on a dirtbike, helmet in hand. he's ready for adventure with his iconic dark green tunic and the triforce logo on the side of the dirtbike

dreamy dreams dreamt dirt cheap

The forest pathway 1 - spooky forest pathway. dirt path with potholes and lumps. dramatic landscape. ominously dark and forbidding.

Snowy path - dirt path in snowy forest

someone is watching at night in the dark

Clorox Armour - clorox bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can remove tough stains and dirt.

. - city life | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

.. - audio waves | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

insectoid roaming. creepy, unsettling. style: abstract ooze, noir 1940 film, gritty, black and white. visual grain, volumetric shadows, light and dirt. setting: burrow tunnel, wood roots on walls

planets colliding, a purple nebula present in the background

audio waves | heat affected burns and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | burned celluloid, incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

audio waves | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

audio waves | heat affected burned and melted film | low fidelity inter-dimensional atmospheric fractal | damaged celluloid | incinerated film | decayed emulsion | soft gradient | dark faded colour | grunge | dirt | grit | glitch | error | smudge | blur | gradient | old film | expired film | dark background | subsurface light scattering

planets colliding, a purple nebula present in the background

let us not ask ourselves of corporate denial but if the streets by which we lay, of the dirt we walk over , let us ask ourselves why, we should continue?

cottage on a wooded hill, golden hour, glittery glossy glowing, dirt path, kodachrome

cottage on a wooded hill, golden hour, glittery glossy glowing, dirt path, kodachrome

cottage on a wooded hill, golden hour, glittery glossy glowing, dirt path, kodachrome

cottage on a wooded hill, golden hour, glittery glossy glowing, dirt path, kodachrome

cottage on a wooded hill, golden hour, glittery glossy glowing, dirt path, kodachrome

street view inside hollow earth: a dark futuristic busy bavarian nazi city with traffic and bicyclists, blond people, pale skins. sparkly dust particles, dark dirt sky