".....entire families were being detained, wholesale....."

cat with coat entirely in gray color, with a colorful mandala in background, flower, leaf, colors

cat with fur entirely in light black color, with a colorful mandala in background, flower, leaf, colors

cat with fur entirely in gray color, with a colorful mandala in background, flower, leaf, colors

Death - death crept from the shadows, the horse under him pale and hollowed. they'd both been there the entire time. his gaze met my tired eyes, and he extended his hand. i took it, too tired to fight any longer. my mind went blank, and i felt at peace.

old parking lot that is being reclaimed by trees, left side entirely forest now with a deer looking out

abejas - an egg occupies the entire image
the egg is open.
a large bee hatches from the egg

creation in its entirety, and all the secrets of the universe, fractals