events of human history flow under an alien bridge like time is a river

count olaf from series of unfortunate events merged olaf the snowman from frozen

sunday / resurrection sunday (the first day and the eighth day):
metal: gold | gods: sun gods and the resurrection of jesus | creation: light | events: triumphal entry and resurrection

a dynamic scene: mercury, the messenger god, races through a twilight sky, carrying messages of wisdom and adaptability. amid the celestial hues, a shadowy figure representing judas lurks in the background, a subtle depiction of betrayal. the sun, moon, and stars shine both as symbols of creation's wonder and the coming events of holy week

cataclysmaw: the mega form of quakalanche. cataclysmaw becomes an immense creature capable of causing catastrophic geological events. its every step sends shockwaves across the land

metal: copper | gods: thor and zeus, power and generosity | creation: sea creatures, birds | events: eucharist servant king

metal: mercury | gods: odin and hermes, wisdom and adaptability | creation: sun, moon, stars | events: judas' betrayal

metal: silver | gods: moon gods and introspection | creation: firmament | events: cleansing of the temple.