blue is a calming, peaceful color that evokes feelings of serenity and tranquility. its hue ranges from light sky to deep navy depending on the shade. it has a smooth texture like velvet or silk - per

무서운데?? - 어두운 그림자로 가려진 얼굴 속 눈만 붉게 타오른다 - eyes burn red in a face hidden by dark shadows. korean poetry evokes a sense of mystery and intrigue.

yellow green is a bright, cheerful color with a hue ranging from light olive to deep emerald. its smooth texture like silk or velvet evokes feelings of energy and optimism - perfect for bringing joy

yellow green is a bright, cheerful color with a hue ranging from light olive to deep emerald. its smooth texture like silk or velvet evokes feelings of energy and optimism - perfect for bringing joy i