mercury huge sphere with sideways eye like a monstrum in the sky, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Mercury in Spandex 💡 - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes, handsome, masculine

“so i, thrice-great hermes, the first of men to attain all-knowledge, have inscribed the secrets of the gods, in sacred symbols and holy hieroglyphs, on these stone tablets, which i have concealed for a future world that may seek our sacred wisdom.”

Mercury Sky God - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

sun moon and stars, hermes icarus mercury quicksilver

odin hermes sun moon stars planets mercury quicksilver thirty pieces judas lucifer

lady wisdom weeping, stars falling from heaven,odin hermes icarus, judas throwing away the silver

the seven: gold sun apolo, silver moon athena, mercury hermes odin wisdom, copper venus love, mars war iron, jove jupiter generous, saturn lead death

a cat hermit crab squid in the style of naoto hattori and salvador dali, october, fall forrest, mist, morning light, volumetric light rays, moss, brown orange yellow leaves, muted colors

, sun moon and stars, odin, hermes, mercury, quicksilver,

hermosa niña con un canasto recogiendo manzanas de un árbol, en un camino sinuoso, muy colorida y detallada fotografía, estilo velásquez, 4 k

Hermes Trismegistus - legendary founder of hermeticism hermes trismegistus stands in an ancient egyptian landscape wearing long blue hooded robes covered in silver stars. bearded old man holds staff emerald tablet. pet cat

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes, handsome

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes, handsome, masculine

hermione granger smilling

Hermes Trismegistus - legendary founder of hermeticism hermes trismegistus stands in an ancient egyptian landscape wearing long blue hooded robes covered in silver stars. the bearded old man holds staff an emerald tablet

Merlin The Wizard - sorcerer hermit, occult, mysterious, perfect shading

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes, handsome, masculine

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes, god mercury

Ol'e One Eye - dark+magic dark+creature's avada-kedavra fantastic magical wizarding world with magiv+power potions pets puzzles spells magical+animals harry hermione and ron lumos wingadium-leviosa expecto-patronum

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin gouged out an eye for wisdom, hermes brings wisdom from heaven

Hogwarts USPS - avada-kedavra fantastic magical wizarding world with magic potions pets puzzles spells magical+animals dark+spells dark+creature's harry hermione and ron lumos wingadium-leviosa expecto-patronum

fantastical wizarding world with magic potions puzzles spells magical+animals dark+magic harry hermione and ron lumos wingadium-leviosa expecto-patronum expelliarmus avada-kedavra accio crusio imperio

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin gouged out an eye for wisdom, hermes brings wisdom from heaven

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin lost an eye for wisdom hermes brings from heaven

planet mercury, quick silver, hermes, hermetic, odin

thirty quicksilver coins, a third of the stars fall from heaven, planet mercury scorched like icarus, odin gouged out an eye for wisdom, hermes brings wisdom from heaven

a cat hermit crab in the style of naoto hattori and salvador dali, october, fall forrest, mist, morning light, volumetric light rays, moss, brown orange yellow leaves, muted colors

a cat hermit crab in the style of naoto hattori and salvador dali

mujer hermosa rubia con tanga plateada muy pequeña de frente a la camara sentada y abierta de piernas

mujer hermosa rubia con tanga plateada muy pequeña de frente a la camara sentada y abierta de piernas

hermione granger

unas niñas pasean por paris - unas niñas pasean por paris en una hermosa tarde de verano. llevan bonitos vestidos y sombreros, y se paran para tomar una selfie en frente de la torre eiffel.

Mardi Gras Mercury - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Focal - dream "mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes"

Kangaroo Mercury - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Hermes 2 - hermes, messenger of the gods

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes