monkey dragon

ufo in the skylight

Ancient temple - temple of the sun

disney’s lobster movie poster

ufo alien invasion

tall bird

aries tattoo

creepy plague doctor in the dark misty forest

jason nash

mirage d'une princesse givrée

red merle australian shepherd

A star explore  - a planet exploding with spaceships flying away  -

The horror of war - world war ii battle with nuke in the background 

a nuclear bomb  detonating 

waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex.

a man is looking out onto a frozen lake after waking up in his log cabin in the woods. he can see his breath in the cold air, and the frost on the windows. there is aurora borealis streaking across the sky

Hiroshima, Japan  - a nuclear bomb  detonating  - a nuclear bomb detonating, sending a mushroom cloud of smoke and debris into the sky. with destroyed buildings that stretch for miles. 

a man in a space suit is looking up at the black abyss of space. he is surrounded by stars, and the vastness of the universe is almost overwhelming

a druid is performing a bloody sacrifice under a gnarled tree. the tree is ancient and twisted. the druid is chanting a dark incantation, and the sky is dark from nightfall

a man is looking out onto a frozen lake after waking up in his log cabin in the woods. he can see his breath in the cold air, and the frost on the windows.

a man is standing in front of a burning cabin, holding a torch in his hand. it is implied that he set the cabin ablaze. the sky is red and gray with the smoke and flame from the cabin

CHEESE - a block of cheese in the sunset  - a block of cheese in the sunset, with a bright orange and red sky behind it. the cheese is golden and glows in the light of the setting sun.

a lit cigar on the floor, with smoke blooming off of of it. there is also an ashtray next to it

a man is hiking through an old forest at night. he is alone, and the only sound is the crunching of leaves beneath his feet. he is carrying a flashlight, dimly showing the path in front of him

a man is sitting at a small campfire in a dark, towering forest. he is surrounded by trees and shadows, and he looks comfortable and happy. the forest is dark with tall redwood trees. there is no light in the forest other than the campfire

a man sitting in a small rowboat in a glacial lake looking up at a towering mountain. he is surrounded by a calm, light blue lake. the mountain is so tall that it is shrouded in clouds. there is a swiss hut on the lake with a small dock

a man sitting in a small rowboat in a glacial lake looking up at a towering mountain in the distance. he is surrounded by a calm, light blue lake. the mountain is so tall that it is shrouded in clouds. there is a swiss hut on the lake with a small dock

ww2 - a soldier in wwii, surrounded by barbed wire and debris, with a look of intense concentration on his face.

E - boxing gloves on a floor - the boxing gloves are on the floor, next to a puddle of blood. it looks like there was a brutal fight here.

a plane crashing - a plane crashes into a mountainside, leaving a smoldering wreck and a trail of debris.

an astronaut looking into space with hundreds of planets in view. she's wearing a white suit with a blue helmet, and her visor is reflecting the planets.

a woman hiking through a cold forest in the very early morning. she is covering her flowing hair with a beanie and is wearing a warm jacket to hold off the breeze. the sun will not break dawn for a few hours

a log cabin sits in a pine forest at night, with a warm glow emanating from its windows. smoke curls up from the chimney, and the stars twinkle overhead.

a man is sitting at a small campfire in a dark, towering forest. he is surrounded by trees and shadows, and he looks comfortable and happy. the forest is dark with tall redwood trees

a man is looking out onto a frozen lake after waking up in his log cabin in the woods. he can see his breath in the cold air, and the frost on the windows. there is aurora borealis streaking across the night sky

a man is looking out onto a frozen lake after waking up in his log cabin in the woods. he can see his breath in the cold air, and the frost on the windows. there is aurora borealis streaking across the night sky

a man is looking up at a mountain path in the snow, preparing to hike up the snowy alpine mountain. he is wearing a backpack and has hiking poles in his hands. he is just starting the hike from a lake