Gandalf? - 영화 반지의 제왕에 나오는 간달프를 모티브로 한 담배잎을 태우는 늙은 마법사 - an old wizard smoking a leaf inspired by gandalf from lord of the rings. he wears a blue hat, a long white beard, and a robe.

saint barbara, blonde hair, wearing a crown, holding a single leaf of a palm in her hand, sword in her hand, wearing a blue tunic, dark sky with thunderbolt, highly detailed, fantasy art

a jumping spider sitting on a leaf and looking at the camera, in the style of dark brown and gray, george lucas,

saint barbara, blonde hair, wearing a crown, holding a single leaf of a palm in her hand, sword in her hand, wearing a blue tunic, dark sky with thunderbolt, highly detailed, fantasy art

saint barbara, blonde hair, wearing a crown, holding a single leaf of a palm in her hand, sword in her hand, wearing a blue tunic, dark sky with thunderbolt, highly detailed, fantasy art

saint barbara, blonde hair, wearing a crown, holding a single leaf of a palm in her hand, sword in her hand, wearing a blue tunic, dark sky with thunderbolt, highly detailed, fantasy art

saint barbara, blonde hair, wearing a crown, holding a single leaf of a palm in her hand, sword in her hand, wearing a blue tunic, dark sky with thunderbolt, highly detailed, fantasy art

Goldsun - slender pale ginger cat with detailed leaf green eyes and barley visible stripes

saint barbara, blonde hair, wearing a crown, holding a single leaf of a palm in her hand, holding a sword by the handle, wearing a blue tunic, dark sky with thunderbolt, highly detailed, fantasy art

a child's drawing of a moth and the moon in blue ballpoint pen drawing on wide-ruled loose leaf notebook paper, rough sketch

stylized leaf symbol silver pendant

kenya inside a spherical plant terrarium in a bell jar, under a yellow spotlight in a dark room, leafs moving like snakes, highlights, backlight, red accent light

christiania three - marijuana leaf on ground silhouette, huge planets, swirling red sky, marijuana, green sun eclipse,

🥬🎸 - a green leafy guitar rockin' out on a stage with flashing lights and cheering fans in the background.

green cracks - bright, marijuana leaf on ground silhouette, huge planets, swirling red sky, huge sky, marijuana, green sun eclipse, bright

Elephant Memory Brew - an elephant standing in the rain, covering a cup of coffee with a large leaf in its trunk

Green - leafa sao green eyes, green hair

E.T. Flora - alien plants terrarium in a bell jar, under a spotlight in a dark room, round window, snakelike moving leafs backlight

yellow nissan leaf driving through desert in clouds of dust, sandstorm, lightning

Leaf Fungi - a half-elf from dungeons and dragons with light brown hair and royal blue eyes. he wears a cheeky smirk while holding the staff of the python