one day, the king of the land of stories decided to hold a special event for the citizens. he announced that he would host a festival, and spread the news throughout the country. the citizens were excited and looking forward to the festival. the king prepared delicious food, fun games, and wonderful shows to entertain them. finally, the long-awaite

chicken in a mandolorian costume - a chicken in a mandolorian costume, looking fierce and ready to fight.

i’m extremely rich - i'm extremely rich and i love it! i have a lot of money and i enjoy spending it on things that i want. i'm always looking for new and exciting ways to spend my money.

a man from the future in a spaceship with a laser gun in his hand, looking out the window at the stars.

in dreams we find many things but never what we are looking for

in dreams we find many things but never what we are looking for

the quite corridors behind the busy ancient temple in the holy city hide the chosen child who holds the glorious spark of god's light that we are all looking for