".....once the municipal building fell, people took notice: could the legend be real?...."

once upon a time fantastical fantasy galaxy rainbow mountain city lake deep dark abyss in the woods trees fairy lights portal to another dimension macro bokeh

once upon a time, long long ago in a place far far a way, people went to the temple of the goddess and the nature spirits

once in the time of the judges there was a famine in the land;
so a man from bethlehem of judah
departed with his wife and two sons
to reside on the plateau of moab.

Once Upon a Never - once upon a never

Once Grand, Never - above the spires of a once-grand city, towering ruins, the stone walls are broken and in need of repair. the view is stunning and the atmosphere is eerie.

jennifer lawrence as a once upon a time character

a view we once had - the earth leaking water into space, ultra realistic, 4k

a looming shade of red sweeps across a once thriving metropolis, slowly causing decay as the hubris of man and machine eats away at nature.

anything and everything and nothing all at once and never

iam the stillness in movement and the movement in stillness. iam the light in the darkness and the darkness in light, the time in eternity, and the eternal in time. iam the head and the tail it devours, and iam born unto myself once more.

iam the stillness in movement and the movement in stillness. iam the light in the darkness and the darkness in light, the time in eternity, and the eternal in time. iam the head and the tail it devours, and iam born unto myself once more.

tonglen. the air clings to my lungs. sticky and burdened with lust. displeasing, shallow clothing where there once was so much skin.

tonglen. the air clings to my lungs. sticky and burdened with lust. displeasing, shallow clothing where there once was so much skin.

tonglen. the air clings to my lungs. sticky and burdened with lust. displeasing, shallow clothing where there once was so much skin.

tonglen. the air clings to my lungs. sticky and burdened with lust. displeasing, shallow clothing where there once was so much skin.

tonglen. the air clings to my lungs. sticky and burdened with lust. displeasing, shallow clothing where there once was so much skin.

everything everywhere at once

everything everywhere all at once