Green eyes - the woman has a fair complexion, delicately touched with a rosy undertone that seems to bloom most evidently across her cheeks. a smattering of freckles dances across the bridge of her nose, a feature that stands straight with a hint of curve at the tip. her almond-shaped eyes, a striking shade of green, hold a depth of stories untold

Brown Eyes Freckles - the woman has a fair complexion, delicately touched with a rosy undertone that seems to bloom most evidently across her cheeks. a smattering of freckles dances across the bridge of her nose, a feature that stands straight with a hint of curve at the tip. her almond-shaped eyes, a striking shade of green, hold a depth of stories untold

Green Eyes - the woman has a fair complexion, delicately touched with a rosy undertone that seems to bloom most evidently across her cheeks. a smattering of freckles dances across the bridge of her nose, a feature that stands straight with a hint of curve at the tip. her almond-shaped eyes, a striking shade of green, hold a depth of stories untold

Freckles - the woman has a fair complexion, delicately touched with a rosy undertone that seems to bloom most evidently across her cheeks. a smattering of freckles dances across the bridge of her nose, a feature that stands straight with a hint of curve at the tip.

"with her blackened wings and smoldering eyes, she descended upon the mortal realm, casting a sinister shadow over everything she touched. her powers were twisted, laced with malevolence, and her purpose became the corruption of human souls"

Sabya - sabya's spectral scythe: a ghostly scythe that reaps the souls of those it touches, allowing the user to summon a legion of undead warriors to fight for them.

"with her blackened wings and smoldering eyes, she descended upon the mortal realm, casting a sinister shadow over everything she touched. her powers were twisted, laced with malevolence, and her purpose became the corruption of human souls"

space anaconda that’s one eyed and has 3 touches and looks galactic

a mummified body, curled up on its side so that it’s gnarled knees almost touched its forehead

woman running on top of a lake, ripples spread from where here feet touched its surface

the light of hope transforming the world. the simple ancient home broke open , and the light of hope and glory poured out into a cold and dreary world, transforming everything it touched

the light of hope transforming the world. the simple ancient home broke open , and the light of hope and glory poured out into a cold and dreary world, transforming everything it touched

the light of hope. the simple ancient home broke open like an egg, and the light of hope and glory poured out into a cold and dreary world, transforming everything it touched